the HUB
The Hub is a unique collaboration between School District 8 and community service providers. The Hub provides supports to high school students age 13-18 years old. The Hub is a safe environment where students can access academic support from school counsellors and physical health support from local physicians and emotional health support from community professionals on campus.
The Hub provides clinic days on Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 8:45 to 11:30. Students are able to book an appointment with a Public Health Nurse on Wednesdays or a Doctor on Thursdays. Counsellors and Outreach Workers are available on Wednesdays and Thursdays to meet with students. Hub appointments are 20-30 minutes in length after which students return to class. The Hub’s accessibility encourages students to be more aware of and proactive in managing their personal academic, physical, and emotional health.
HUB participants are registered at Prince Charles Secondary School, the Compass Program or Homelinks in Creston.
For more information please call (250) 428 5547
Funded by the Doctors of BC, SD8 and Columbia Basin Trust Community Directed Funds